In a groundbreaking collaboration, Fathom aligns with the Department of Labor's Chief Evaluation Office (CEO), the National Science Foundation (NSF), and the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy to participate in the Analytics for Equity Initiative, addressing pressing questions on equity considerations in workplace safety and workers.
The Analytics for Equity Initiative aims to amplify research in the social, economic, and behavioral sciences that leverage federal data for public benefit. In collaboration with key federal agencies such as DOL, HHS, CDC, and EPA, the overarching objective is to produce pivotal research that supports equity-focused, evidence-based strategies.
Led by the Co-founder and Director of Research, Julie Dunlap, Fathom's proposal centers on equity considerations for workplace safety and workers, particularly honing in on the skills necessary for the evolving technical science industries. The proposal aligns with the Department of Labor's Learning Agenda and Evidence-Building Plan for 2022-2026 to advance equity in training and employment programs.
The study will:
With a lineage of NSF-funded research in 2020, Fathom further cements its commitment to leveraging emerging technologies to align with the Department of Labor's national workforce development objectives. This partnership and the resulting research will be instrumental in informing future strategies for talent management and the workforce development ecosystem.
For a deeper dive, read more about Fathom's NSF-funded research from 2020 and discover how Fathom is advancing research to support DOL workforce agencies.
About Fathom:
Fathom is a workforce innovation company offering universal talent management solutions for the World of Work. Their unique approach eliminates barriers in the education-to-employment ecosystem, paving the way for upward career mobility of learners and earners everywhere.
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